Friday, November 17, 2017

Nov. 27th - Dec. 1st

What is happening after Thanksgiving 

Upcoming Dates

December 7th - Jingle Bell Run during specials (1:20)  *****new date!!!!!
December 15th - Early Release from school
December 18th - January 2nd - NO SCHOOL - winter break

Thank you to everyone for contributing to our Thanksgiving Feast!  We had a wonderful time celebrating friendship and kindness!  A special thanks to our kindergarten room moms for helping serve and clean up. We love you!!

This is such a wonderful time of year for giving thanks for the blessings in our lives.  We are so thankful for our wonderful kindergarten learners and families!  We are so honored to be teaching your little ones and can't wait to see what the rest of the year will bring.  Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!! 

After the break.....
Language Arts
We will be starting our first author study when we return from the break.  We will read and learn about the wonderful Jan Brett!

Our two new sight words will be:  "he" and "she".

Social Studies
We will continue to talk about National Holidays. 

We will continue counting strategies, comparing sets of numbers, and how to compose numbers.

In collaboration with the Fairy Tale unit in reading, we will be going through the engineering design process as we learn about shoes and how they are made.  We will then improve upon the design of an existing shoe.

TCE Life Principal of the Week: Caring

Town Center Common Courtesy Hold the door open for people.

Google Sites

If you are looking for some great resources, please click on your teacher's google site.  We have lots of video connections and videos to enhance learning.

K1 Google Site:  Mrs. Sork
K2 Google Site:  Mrs. Vincenzo
K3 Google Site:  Mrs. Burks
K4 Google Site:  Mrs. McCullough

The TCE lost and found is getting full.  Please stop by and check it out.  Our lost and found is located right outside the cafeteria doors.  Also, don't forget to put your child's name in the tag of his/her jacket in case it gets lost.  

Please don't forget to send a snack and a water bottle to school each day.  

We love our learners!
We loved our Thanksgiving Feast!!! 

We are thankful for our friends! 

Happy Thanksgiving from Kindergarten!!! 

5th grade working with Kinder!  

Friday, November 10, 2017

Nov. 13 - Nov. 17

What is happening next week 
in kindergarten?

Upcoming Dates

November 16th - Food for Thanksgiving feast due at school
November 17th - Thanksgiving Feast (learners only)
November 17th - Turkey Trot during specials (1:30 - 2:10)
November 20th - 24th - Student Holiday - Thanksgiving

KINDERGARTEN is collecting "used" shoes, of all sizes, for an engineering project and service learning project. We will be using the engineering process to improve a pair of shoes while tying the engineering design process into our study of Fairy Tales.  This unit is a kindergarten favorite!!   All shoes will be donated to charity when our engineering unit is completed.  We need all the "used" shoes we can get! So, start cleaning out those closets and donate some shoes to our service learning project!!  THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

The kindergartners will be having a Thanksgiving Feast in our classrooms on Friday, November 17th.  Due to space limitations, this will be for learners and teachers only.  Letters went home this week in your child's folder about donations for feast items.  If you did not receive yours, please contact your teacher. 

Coppell ISD Family Feast Drive Nov. 17

For 14 years, CISD has collected food for families in need around Thanksgiving.  Mark your calendars to donate canned foods or non-perishable foods from Monday, November 13-Friday, Nov. 17 for the CISD Family Feast Drive! You also may make an online donation here.  When you make your donation, you can choose Town Center by scrolling down the page as you make your donation. Last year, CISD collected 12,397 pounds of food and $13,708 for a total of 51,454 nutritious meals for those in need in North Texas. 

Next week.....
Language Arts
Our two new word wall words next week are:  "is" and "my".  We are up to 18 words!! We love to find these words in our leveled reading books!

We are also still reviewing rhyming words, syllables, and reading/writing CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words.

Social Studies
We will discuss why we have Thanksgiving and what we are thankful for in our lives.  

We will continue to work on counting to 50, comparing numbers using words like greater than and less than, and skip counting by 10s to 50.  Learners will also work on identifying a number that is one more or one less than a given number.   

To tag along with the Fairy Tale unit in Language Arts, we will be begin our engineering project on redesigning and improving shoes.   We will be collaborating with our TCE 5th graders to help with the technology aspect of the project.

TCE Life Principal of the Week: Gratitude

Town Center Common Courtesy Always say, Thank you" when given something.  When you receive something, do not insult the gift or the giver. 

Google Sites

If you are looking for some great resources, please click on your teacher's google site.  We have lots of video connections and videos to enhance learning.

K1 Google Site:  Mrs. Sork
K2 Google Site:  Mrs. Vincenzo
K3 Google Site:  Mrs. Burks
K4 Google Site:  Mrs. McCullough

The TCE lost and found is getting full.  Please stop by and check it out.  Our lost and found is located right outside the cafeteria doors.  Also, don't forget to put your child's name in the tag of his/her jacket in case it gets lost.  

                                                 Lunch Menu
                                     We love our Learners! 
We are so thankful for Kinder! \

Indoor Recess Fun!  

Junior I-Team helping kindergarten design
their Google Site!!!

Coach Wagner's visits with kindergarten to tell us
about his service in the Military! 

Thank you for your service Coach Wagner!!!

What a wonderful Veterans Day Ceremony with
our Veterans!!! 

Friday, November 3, 2017

Nov. 6 - Nov 10

What is happening next week 
in kindergarten?

Upcoming Dates

November 16th - Food for Thanksgiving feast due at school
November 17th - Thanksgiving Feast (learners only)
November 17th - Turkey Trot during specials (1:30 - 2:10)
November 20th - 24th - Student Holiday - Thanksgiving

KINDERGARTEN is collecting "used" shoes, of all sizes, for an engineering project and service learning project. We will be using the engineering process to improve a pair of shoes while tying the engineering design process into our study of Fairy Tales.  This unit is a kindergarten favorite!!   All shoes will be donated to charity when our engineering unit is completed.  We need all the "used" shoes we can get! So, start cleaning out those closets and donate some shoes to our service learning project!!  THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

The kindergartners will be having a Thanksgiving Feast in our classrooms on Friday, November 17th.  Due to space limitations, this will be for learners and teachers only.  Look for more information to come home in the folder on Monday.

Next week.....
Language Arts
In writing we are working on extending our sentences while still remembering finger spaces, punctuation and a capital letter to start the sentence.  We love reading from our browsing boxes with our leveled readers!  We are doing great!!

Our two new sight words will be:"to" and "have".  Don't forget to keep up with the sight words on the word list that is in the "Book in a Bag" each week! 

Social Studies
We will continue to learn about American Symbols.

We are working on counting to 50, comparing numbers using words like greater than and less than, and skip counting by 10s. 

Please continue to work with your children at home counting their numbers by 1's and 10's.  Please have your child go onto the fun elementary computer activity called numerical order. Children will be practicing number sequence by arranging numbers in ascending order. The difficulty can be adjusted by selecting a level before playing. Children can also sing along to "Here are your numbers 1 to 50"

We will be using Dash the robot to help us show the ways things can move!

TCE Life Principal of the Week: Common Sense

Town Center Common Courtesy There is a napkin provided for the purpose of cleaning your fingers.

Google Sites

If you are looking for some great resources, please click on your teacher's google site.  We have lots of video connections and videos to enhance learning.

K1 Google Site:  Mrs. Sork
K2 Google Site:  Mrs. Vincenzo
K3 Google Site:  Mrs. Burks
K4 Google Site:  Mrs. McCullough

The TCE lost and found is getting full.  Please stop by and check it out.  Our lost and found is located right outside the cafeteria doors.  Also, don't forget to put your child's name in the tag of his/her jacket in case it gets lost.  

If you have not returned your child's report card, please sign it and return it as soon as possible.  Thank you so much!  
Memory match with our word wall words!!

Working on taking turns and good sportsmanship
while learning!! 

Taking our reading and writing outside!!
Girls just wanna have fun!  
Using our labeling skills to label the outdoors with
 vocabulary words!
We love our kinder boys!  
Making our school beautiful!  

Kinder planting pansies!

We can program a robot!

Making our school beautiful!! 

Last Blog!!!

TCE Kindergarten Blog Calendar Dates May 25th - CISD night at the ballpark May 28th - No School May 29th - TCE 5th Grade...